in financial difficulties, more and more people registered with Pôle emploi supplement their allowance with partial activity

In this Pôle emploi agency in the Bourse district of Paris, dozens of registrants parade every morning, without an appointment. Brigitte comes to find out. The forties is a liberal maternal assistant. “I work with three children, but two of them have leftshe explains. They have to compensate me!” His current salary has fallen to less than 1,000 euros against 2,500 two months ago. “I’m alone. How do I pay my rent? How do I pay my bills?asks Brigitte.

>>> True from false. Unemployment: “more than half” of job seekers are they not compensated as Laurent Berger asserts?

For the moment, she has only received 116 euros from Pôle emploi. “Let them do something. You can’t live with 1000 euros. There are bills to pay. Even alone, you can’t live with 1,000 euros” As the unemployment figures for the third quarter are revealed on Wednesday October 26, the profile of job seekers is changing. They are more and more numerous, 700,000 additional registered in 10 years, to be registered while having a part-time salaried activity. Forced to chain interim, CDD and short contracts to complete their allocation while waiting for a stable job.

Anis Nébri is unfortunately in this situation. Recipient of an insufficient allowance, he already accumulates a series of odd jobs. The young electrician comes to submit his CV to this temp agency in the Gare du Nord district. “With the interim, I hope to fill the void that there is. I receive an allowance of a maximum of €520 per month, note Anis Nebri.

“I still live with my parents because with 520 € per month, unfortunately, nowadays we can not do much. At some point, I have to take my independence.”

Anis Nebri, electrician

at franceinfo

To earn a little more, Anis Nébri decided to push the door of the BPS interim agency. After a quick interview Cyprien Dach, adviser in this interim company, promises the candidate a few fixed-term contracts. “The profiles that come looking for temporary work here are often profiles that are already registered with Pôle Emploi, emphasizes Cyprien Dacalor. They need to work because after a while, unemployment benefits end and you have to keep contributing and working for the future.”

Even if some temporary workers do not necessarily register at the same time with Pôle emploi,“they are more and more led to do it, he observes. They know very well their rights and how to manage this system.” The objective of these temporary workers remains to obtain a permanent, full-time contract. Get out of precariousness and finally hope to unsubscribe from Pôle emploi.

In financial difficulties, more and more people registered with Pôle emploi supplement their allowance with partial activity – the report by William de Lesseux

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