France Bleu Limousin invites you to the preview of Chœur de rockers in Limoges.

The story

Alex, a singer whose career is struggling to take off, accepts a strange job: making retired people sing nursery rhymes, as part of a social program. She discovers a group of strong-willed seniors who want to do everything except sing children’s songs. What they really want… is to rock! Thanks to his talent and his perseverance, Alex will mount, in secret, the most improbable of choirs

A film by Ida Techer and Luc Bricaut with Mathilde Seigner, Bernard Le Coq, Anne Benoit based on the book Salt & Pepper by Valérie Péronnet.


To win your tickets for this preview, Tuesday, November 8 at the Ester Grand Screen cinema in Limoges at 7:30 p.m., complete the game form below. You have until midnight Sunday, November 6 to play. Good luck !

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