Laeticia Hallyday declares war on Kanye West!

For the past few weeks, Kanye West has been controversial. The reason ? On October 8, the rapper made anti-Semitic remarks on his Instagram account. The latter would have notably highlighted conspiracy theses on the influence of the Jewish community. Shocking statements that provoked strong reactions. Aware of the scandal surrounding her ex-husband, Kim Kardashian was forced to speak. On social networks, the daughter of Kris Jenner has condemned the antics of the artist. ” Hate speech is never acceptable or excusable “, she wrote in particular on her Twitter account before adding: “ I stand with the Jewish community and call for an immediate end to the terrible violence and hateful rhetoric against it “.

A growing scandal

Like Kim Kardashian, singer Banks also wanted to point out the dangerousness of Ye’s remarks. ” So devastating. Fuck Kanye West. It’s so dangerous what he does “, she declared while sharing the images of a group of supremacist who support the rapper. In addition, Amy Schumer also uploaded an Instagram post on which we could read: “I support my Jewish friend and the Jewish people.” “If you don’t know what to post. Let’s start with this. In the comments. Do you know what the Jewish community is afraid this will lead to? 1 in 2 people don’t know the Holocaust happened. Stand up “also added the comedian. “I’m with you”, “thank you”, “never again”, “I don’t understand…”, could we read in the comments.

A publication that Laeticia Hallyday was quick to share in story. Far from endorsing the words of Kanye West, the mother of Jade and Joy took a stand by openly supporting the Jewish community.


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