six Palestinians killed in Israeli raids in Nablus and Ramallah

the northern West Bank has been experiencing renewed tensions for several weeks.

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Tensions are growing in the occupied West Bank. Six Palestinians were killed and nearly twenty others were injured on Tuesday, October 25, in raids by Israeli forces, announced the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Four people died in Nablus, in the north of the territory, and two to Ramallah, seat of the Palestinian Authority. A first report had initially reported four dead.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas establishes “urgent contacts in order to put an end to this aggression against our people” in Nablus, his spokesman said. For his part, thehe Israeli army has not, for the time being, commented on this report, but confirmed having carried out an operation in Nablus. “Several armed suspects were shot”the army said.

Violence has increased in recent weeks in the northern West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 by the Jewish state. A new group of young Palestinian fighters have begun carrying out anti-Israeli operations from Nablus, a major city in the northern occupied West Bank. The new group, baptized in Arabic “Areen al-Oussoud”, the “lions’ den” in French, had notably claimed responsibility for a deadly attack against an Israeli soldier in early October in the occupied West Bank.

source site-24