Funeral of Lola, 12 years old: “I hope you hear me from up there”, her parents and her brothers united in immense grief

The savage murder of Lola, 12, has not finished moving. This Monday, October 24, many of them gathered for a final farewell to the teenager whose life was taken away. On Monday, October 17, we then learned of the terrible tragedy: the discovery the previous Friday in a trunk of the body of a 12-year-old schoolgirl, named Lola. As the profile of Dahbia B., indicted for the savage murder and rape of Lola, takes shape over the days, the whole of France is in shock. This day took place the funeral of the young girl in Lilliers, in the Pas-de-Calais, ten days after her assassination, committed in the 19th arrondissement in Paris. His parents Johan and Delphine Daviet-Ropital and his brothers Jordan and Thibault were united in indescribable sadness.

My Lola, my beloved little sister. We will miss you“, reports AFP of Thibault’s speech. Several hundred people attended the funeral. The white coffin covered with flowers entered the church followed by the parents of the teenager, her brothers, her relatives, elected officials, neighbours, and a crowd of anonymous people in emotional silence.”My Lola, my beloved little sister, I hope you hear me from above. Unfortunately, you left far too soon. I couldn’t tell you how much I loved yousaid one of his brothers, Thibault, in tears. I hope I’ve been there enough for you in your life. We will miss you.” Tears are on everyone’s face, the grief is immense.

Several hundred people followed the ceremony outside, thanks to an audio broadcast on the church square, emptied of its cars, specify our colleagues. The family had opened the funeral to the public, while reaffirming Sunday evening its desire to “honor the memory“from Lola in”respect and dignity“, far from any political agitation. The burial in the cemetery of Lillers, a town of 10,000 inhabitants where his mother is from, was to take place “in the strictest privacy” at the end of the afternoon.

Gérald Darmanin in the front row

Lola’s family was able to count on the support of many neighbors in rue Manin (Paris), where the young girl lived, but also friends from the campsite in Pas-de-Calais where the family spent their holidays, who all gathered on the pews of the Church for this final farewell. We could also count the presence of the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and other political figures, including the RN deputy for the constituency Caroline Parmentier, who were in the front rows.

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