unions call for mobilization on November 10

The trade unions are demanding recognition of employees’ qualifications and an increase in wages indexed to inflation.

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New mobilization in the metro in sight. The RATP unions (CGT, Force Ouvrière, Solidaires, La Base and the National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions) are calling for a strike on Thursday 10 November. “The intersyndicale today filed a strike notice from Wednesday November 9 at 10 p.m. to Friday November 11 at 7 a.m.”the organizations said on Monday, October 24 in a statement posted on Twitter.

The stated objective: “0 metro, 0 RER”. The unions say they are reacting to the “contempt” management “toward the driving category”judge “like social dialogue”. They demand recognition of employees’ qualifications and a salary increase indexed to inflation.

More broadly, the CGT called for two new days of national and interprofessional mobilization, on October 27 and November 10, to demand a wage increase, union secretary Céline Verzeletti said on Friday. The mobilization of Tuesday, October 18 brought together 107,000 demonstratorsaccording to the Ministry of the Interior, 300,000 demonstrators, according to the CGT, with strikes notably in the oil, nuclear and public transport sectors.

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