the pips of health are linked, the favorite already stopped?

Are we going to witness Anisha’s first endangerment? This is the question that fans of the star Academy and its viewers. But why the one who is presented as the favorite of the season, and who would have a special bond with a teacher, would have a good chance of being in the chair of the nominees this week?

Last week, she was already taking a risk when she chose to perform a song she didn’t really feel comfortable with. Indeed, she made the choice to sing If I could miss him of Calogero in front of the teachers. A daring choice for her for several reasons, which she mentioned precisely in the face of Yanis Marshall, Laure Balon, or even Adeline Toniutti.

Health problems

“It’s special because I had a song in mind and knowing that my voice is not really on top, I decided to change the song because it’s an important song”she revealed to the teachers before her performance before continuing: “so I chose to interpret one that I never dared to listen to and sing. It’s ‘If I could miss him’ by Calogero”. In the end, the choice turned out to be more than judicious because the teachers, all without exception, saw themselves immersed in deep emotion and decided to give him very good marks.

But in the space of a week, things can change very quickly, and not always in the right direction. As the evaluations approach, Anisha finds herself in a bad situation as the live of the star Academy on Twitter. “In addition to having an ankle problem, Anisha is sick and has problems with her voice. The evaluations could be really complicated for her”, revealed the Instagram account… It remains to be seen whether the young artist will find a miracle cure to find her voice and once again charm her teachers.

See also: Excluded Public: Anisha (Star Academy): her very special story with a teacher revealed!


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