the government launches an emergency plan for pediatrics



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On Sunday October 23, the government released 150 million euros for all hospital services under pressure. Aid deemed insufficient for pediatricians.

On Saturday October 22, 4,000 pediatric caregivers sent an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, alerting to the lack of staff and the degraded working conditions in their services. Health professionals denounce irresponsible political inaction. In response, this Sunday, the government released aid of 150 million euros for all hospital services under strain. But for some caregivers, the aid is not up to the height of the crisis in pediatrics.

The immediate action plan drawn up by the executive also includes the activation of white plans in the most affected territories. This measure is poorly received by caregivers. The latter recall that the white plans, which provide for the deprogramming of certain operations in favor of emergencies and which are normally planned for health crises, have been triggered every year since 2020. According to them, the white plans cannot be a solution. perennial, under the risk of endangering the lives of children.

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