evacuations of civilians continue in Kherson

What there is to know

Evacuations of civilians continue in Kherson, southern Ukraine. Everyone can go to the left bank of the Dnieper at any time”, assured, Monday, October 24, the local occupation authorities. They called on civilians on Saturday to leave “immediately” the city. The men who are still on the right bank can also now “join the territorial defense units”. These military units were created by decree of Vladimir Putin, under the martial law introduced last week in the annexed Ukrainian territories. Follow our live.

“No one would be fooled” in the event of a “dirty bomb” in Ukraine. In a joint statement, the French, British and American foreign ministers, “reject Russia’s obviously false allegations that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own territory”. In telephone conversations with NATO countries, Moscow had accused Ukraine of preparing to use a “dirty bomb”. “No one would be fooled by an attempt to use this allegation as a pretext for escalation”estimated Paris, London and Washington.

“Peace is possible”, declares Emmanuel Macron. “At some point, depending on how things develop and when the Ukrainian people and their leaders have decided, in the terms they have decided, peace will be built with the other, who is the enemy of ‘today, around a table’said Sunday the French president at the opening of a peace summit in Rome.

More than a million homes without electricity. According to an adviser to the Ukrainian presidency, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, pMore than a million Ukrainian homes are without electricity after Russian strikes on energy infrastructure in the country. In details, “672,000 subscribers were disconnected in the Khmelnytskyi region, 188,400 in the Mikolaiv region, 102,000 in the Volyn region, 242,000 in the Cherkasy region, 174,790 in the Rivne region, 61,913 in the of Kirovograd and 10,500 in that of Odessa.”

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