Drama in Calais: England and France accuse each other


Article written by

C. Guttin, M.Septembre, JM.Perroux – France 2

France Televisions

27 people were killed in the English Channel while trying to reach England. The French and the British are passing the buck on the responsibility for this shipwreck.

17 men, 7 women and three young people whose age has not been identified lost their lives in the English Channel following the sinking of a boat. Migrants trying to reach England. While the French government said it wanted to hunt down the smugglers, at the same time, the British accused France of not having prevented the migrants from taking to the sea. So who is responsible? The 20 Hours Journal asked itself the question.

The British therefore attacked France on an alleged laxity. Faced with a very long coastline and a lack of means, it seems difficult to prohibit the crossing. “Very clearly, we are asking for staff reinforcements. The coastline is still more than 120 kilometers. We can clearly see that in some areas our presence is not very marked “, Explain Phillippe Dupre, head of the SGP Unit. In addition, faced with the international traffic which weighs thousands of dollars, difficult to establish the greatest share of responsibility in this tragedy.

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