the government announces that it will release 150 million euros for “under tension” services

Health Minister François Braun announced on Sunday the release of 150 million euros for “hospital services under tension”, especially in paediatrics. This plan should allow “an increase in staff, provided that we find them”said the minister on BFM TV, against the backdrop of the crisis in the pediatric emergency services. On Friday, 4,000 pediatric caregivers sent an open letter to Emmanuel Macron
to deplore unsuitable working conditions and care, the results of a “irresponsible political inaction”. “It’s not new unfortunately, the hospital has been mistreated for decades”explained the Minister of Health this Sunday.

To respond to this new bout of fever in the hospital, the executive has concocted a “immediate action plan”government spokesman Olivier Véran announced on CNews. “We trigger where necessary, the famous ‘white plans’ to recall additional staff and to have better cooperation in the territories”, he detailed. These “white planes” contain organizational measures intended to deal with an exceptional health situation or increased activity of a hospital.

“Respond immediately to specific issues in certain sectors”

“We have an epidemic of bronchiolitis earlier than usual which arrives on a hospital out of breath and on which we must do basic work”observed the Minister of Health, François Braun on BFMTV who also announced the release of 150 million euros for all services “in tension” to the hospital. This money should be used for “respond immediately to the specific problems of certain sectors”including an increase in staff, “provided that we find staff”argued the Minister.

“The government was obliged to react quickly but there is a real fundamental problem”

“Of course we are going to take care of all the children who need to go to the hospital, but we must help ourselves by avoiding going to the hospital when it is not necessary”repeated François Braun. “The government was obliged to react quickly but there is a real fundamental problem”reacted Isabelle Desguerre, head of the neuropediatrics department at the Necker hospital in Paris, one of the signatories of the letter to Emmanuel Macron. “150 million is a figure effect, the problem is not the money but recognizing the status of caregivers, making them want to work in hospitals, putting real caregiver ratios per child”she points out.

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