“There are candidates who sing better than the jury!”, Houcine from “Star Ac 2” atomizes the new teachers!

During a debriefing debate on the return to TF1 of the cult tele-hook show “Star Academy”, the TPMP People set hosted by Matthieu Delormeau was, as usual, heated up this Saturday, October 22! Invited for the occasion, viewers had the pleasure of seeing or seeing again Mario, finalist of the first edition against Jenifer, Maude of season 5 who today has become an actress and Houcine of the second edition. And it is the latter who did not mince his words. If the former candidate finds that for the return of the cult program, the level is very high, even higher than in his time, what does not bother him above all is the casting… professorial!

The singer exclaims: “There are candidates who sing better than the jury”! he says, adding that it is, according to him, the same thing for “The Voice”. The debate has begun.

“Yes but we are in the States, it’s always more!”

Matthieu Delormeau rebounds: “if we start from there too, a theater teacher is someone who has never succeeded in being a star actor. So he’s a failed actor!” Before revising his somewhat harsh remarks…”he’s in any case an actor who hasn’t broken through!” Gilles Verdez emphasizes: “Yes, but he knows how to teach!” What Benoit Dubois adds: “It’s pedagogy, it’s a way of knowing how to place your voice, knowing how to breathe while you dance, it’s not because you’re not necessarily a professional dancer or a singer. multi-recognized that you do not know how to give lessons or information to sing better.” But Houcine, if he agrees with all the remarks, cannot help comparing: “I agree, but every night I watch “The Voice” in the United States. And at some point, you have a moment of pause where the jury sings. Immediately cut off by Benoit: “Yes, but we’re in the States, it’s always more!” Calmer, Maud Verdeyen who made herself known to the general public in “Star Academy 5”, prefers to play the card of temperance. At the time, she was a singer, but was more drawn to acting. Activity she carries out today. She concludes, turning to Houcine: “We have to wait a bit”, the teachers “they’ve only been there for a week…” And speaking in particular of the theater teacher Pierre de Brauer who succeeded the incredible Oscar Sisto: “You have to see what he will give.” And yes, a little patience never hurts!

France Live

See also:Christophe Dechavanne reframes Matthieu Delormeau in TPMP!

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