four years after the collapse of two buildings, rue d’Aubagne is healing its wounds



France 3

Article written by

H. Hug, J.-M. Lequertier, D. Fuet, S. Lacombe – France 3

France Televisions

Four years after the tragedy in rue d’Aubagne in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), fear still dominates some residents, while others want to bring this working-class neighborhood back to life.

The top of the rue d’Aubagne is again accessible to pedestrians but the houses remain empty. On November 5, 2018, two dilapidated buildings collapsed, killing 8 people under the rubble. Four years after the tragedy, the trial to establish responsibilities has still not taken place and a gaping hole in this street, called the “hollow tooth”, challenges passers-by. “There is no question of making it a sanctuary and leaving it as it is, insists Sophie Camard, mayor of the 1st and 7th arrondissement of Marseille. There is a great desire from everyone to bring life back.”

If the domino effect, causing the collapse of the buildings neighboring those of the rue d’Aubagne was feared, it is the effect of fear that wins the inhabitants of other neighborhoods. Mariama Abdoul, tenant in the 3rd arrondissement is one of them: “I got scared and called the hygiene service, they themselves were scared as the stairs were pitching. However, other residents are still investing in the area, in particular the bottom of rue d’Aubagne, and are ignoring the drama of November 5, 2018.

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