an emotional tribute to Fouquereuil



Article written by

M. Mulcey, L. Feuerstein, M. Arribe, C. Rigeade, L. Bensimon, France 3 Lille, P. Guény – franceinfo

France Televisions

Friday October 21, in Fouquereuil, in Pas-de-Calaisa tribute was paid to Lola, the teenager killed in tragic conditions a week ago.

A painting representing Lola, bright, smiling, sat in front of the communal hall of Fouquereuil (Pas-de-Calais), Friday, October 21. All afternoon, dozens of people paraded in front of this room in the village where Lola’s father is from, in tribute to the teenager. Many came with a bouquet of flowers and wrote a few words. “I marked: ‘In this painful circumstance, we take part in your pain, we offer you our sincere condolences'”says a woman.

The teenager was killed in horrific conditions a week ago. “Even if we don’t really know them, we need to let them know we’re there because it’s an unacceptable thing”, protested a resident. While Lola’s parents have made it known that they do not want any political recovery after calls to demonstrate from the far right, President Emmanuel Macron has called for respect for the family. Lola’s funeral will take place on Monday, October 24.

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