“They grow up so fast“, this is how Charlene of Monaco captioned the last shot of his children, which she shared with her followers on Instagram this Friday, October 21. And indeed, the twins Gabriella and Jacques have changed a lot. In the photo, a detail, other than their haircuts, challenged internet users. It’s their resemblance to their parents. Indeed, if it is not surprising to look like her parents for a child, the subscribers of the princess of the Rock have on the other hand were struck by the fact that the little Gabriella took everything from her father Albert of Monaco while Jacques looks like his mother.
“The princess looks like her father and the prince looks like her mom, you each have your own“, can we read in the section reserved for comments.
At 7 years old, Gabriella and Jacques appear in this beautiful photo all smiles. If sometimes the twins find it difficult to share their joy at public events, and even allow themselves to sulk, this time, for a class photo of two, in their uniform, they have the delighted and complicit. Brother and sister thus pose with each other and they are cute. If Gabriella looks so much like her father, she took on the character of her mother Charlene Wittstock. And like her, she is in constant search of originality. Especially capillary. While the wife of the Monegasque prince has accustomed us to many capillary metamorphoseshis daughter Princess Gabriella is also already a fan of scissors, even if it is not always successful.