the inhabitants in shock denounce the rumors around the drama

This is a matter that requires caution, this is what the inhabitants of Nay and the lawyer confide in this case. A 47-year-old man was charged
for violence resulting in death without the intention of giving it. He is the son of the woman found dead in an apartment in downtown Nay on Wednesday afternoon. He was imprisoned in Pau, remanded in custody.

The presumption of innocence

Me Gaëlle Renard is the lawyer for the prosecuted son, she reacts this Saturday: My client is stunned and in a state of deep sadness since Wednesday. He struggles to understand because when he left his mother’s home, she was fine.” Me Renard adds that “many things have been said since Wednesday, but very little that sticks to the reality of the file.”

More than ever, the presumption of innocence must be respected in this very sensitive case.declares Me Renard. The general turmoil caused by this death is perfectly legitimate and understandable. But he must not disturb the judicial investigation which is in progress and which must take place calmly. We must allow my client and the entire family of the victim to mourn serenely..”

Rumors are circulating in the city

The protagonists of this case are part of the community of travelers, Mayor Bruno Bourdaa had insisted on the fact that this community had been established and integrated for a long time
in Naye. The lawyer Isabelle Fitas defends the companion of the imprisoned man. Me Fitas also mentions “settled and well-integrated people“. According to her, placement in pre-trial detention would allow “to avoid the risk of reprisals“.

It is precisely the rumor of revenge that circulates a lot in the village. “We heard that 300 people from the community were going to come and set fire to the village. It makes no sense“, confides a trader. She notes that, even if the travelers are well integrated, “there is still a lot of stigma. We have no immigration here, so foreigners are travelers“.

“I didn’t think it could happen in a village like Nay”

A general confusion reigns among the inhabitants.We hear everything and its opposite, we don’t really know what happened, but it’s above all a family drama“explains a local who saw the gendarmes in rue Clémenceau on Wednesday, when he was returning from work. Others are surprised.I didn’t think that could happen in a village like Nay. Usually it happens in big cities“, says a resident. She knew the members of the family and said she was very shocked by what happened.

On the side of the community of travelers, we refuse to speak for fear of setting fire to the powder. One of the members of the community crossed this Saturday noon explains that he prefers “that it stays between us and not that it leaves our circle. There could be consequences so we want to calm things down“. Additional analyzes must be carried out on the body of the victim to determine precisely the circumstances of his death.

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