In the skin of information. What You Didn’t Know About Social Security

Article 49.3 was triggered, for the first time, by Elisabeth Borne on the State budget on Wednesday, then Thursday, on the first day of the examination of the Social Security finance bill.

>> Budget: we explain the differences between the PLF and the PLFSS, the two bills on the financing of the State and social security

The latter is a 77-year-old lady. The grandmother next door, known to everyone, with my 150,000 employees and my four branches, health insurance but also pensions, family allowances and Urssaf. Today, it is such a part of the landscape that we almost tend to forget where it comes from.

Founded in 1945, social security was already in its infancy in 1943. At the time, Ambroise Croizat, communist militant and hero of the working class, formed, within the National Council of Resistance, the project of a universal compensation. A few months after the Liberation, my founding father became General de Gaulle’s Minister of Labor and acted on my creation. This is where I got my reputation, as some say, as a “communist remnant”. But in reality, I could never have existed without a consensus of all the political families, when the left and the right were determined to work together to establish on a collective scale the imperative need to take care of others. A matter of dignity, and the realization of the utopia of a better life with a backdrop of hope: that of preventing the return of totalitarian regimes…

But today, we are talking above all about the famous hole in the Social Security: a deficit which should rise again this year to nearly 18 billion euros. But is the hole so deep? When we know that each year are paid 470 billion benefits, well beyond the state budget of 350 billion.

Finally, this hole is perhaps a strength, the proof of being able to withstand the most powerful shocks, the greatest crises like the Covid-19. After all, with roots firmly in war, I’m hardwired to resist, and bounce back.

Moreover, the deficit should also be very strongly absorbed next year and new branches should therefore begin to grow, such as that of dependency. And always full of new challenges.

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