At Afpa, “skills preparation” allows job seekers to regain confidence for their professional future

We talk about “Prepa-skills” it is a device developed by the Afpa and Pôle emploi with the aim of supporting job seekers who have ideas for a change in their lives but who do not know how to make them a reality.

Because being unemployed is in most cases a real tragedy and job seekers can lose contact with the needs of the labor market.

It is the Pôle emploi adviser who offers the job seeker the opportunity to follow this individualized support consisting of a course composed of diagnostic workshops, discovery of professions and training in professions. “As many steps that allow both to ensure that it is indeed the right job that he wants to practice and to identify the knowledge that must be acquired to practice this job”. Sometimes a little additional training can be recommended.

Prépa-Compétence has existed since July 2018, as part of the government’s Skills Investment Plan (PIC). The Afpa is at 56 avenue Emile Zola in Pontet, find out more: [email protected]

Marine and Fatna present Preparatory Skills

At the Afpa in Avignon, Fabrice Marion met Fatna Faitch and Marine Dollo who explained to me that Prépa-Compétences brings assurance and concreteness to those who have lost their confidence and their hope in the professional future.

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