Cada setmana a France Bleu Roussillon, troba un nou capítol d’El Persicopi, la revista informativa íntegrament en català (i subtitulada en inglés), realized amb el suport de l’Oficina Pública de la Llengua Catalana i del Departament des Pirineus Orientals. A program presented by Sébastien Girard i el only team of columnists.
Every week on France Bleu Roussillon, find a new episode ofEl Persicopi, the news magazine entirely in Catalan (and subtitled in French), produced with the support of the Public Office of the Catalan language. A program presented by Sébastien Girard and his team of columnists.
The videos / videos
Efemerides – Eric Forcada
On the 18th of September, record the inauguration of the first festival Visa Per la Imatge, impulse in 1988. Recorrem l’experiència d’un festival únic, esdevingut cita cultural major a Perpinyà.
This September 18, we look back on the opening of the first Visa pour l’Image festival, launched in 1988. We explore the experience of a unique festival, which has become a major cultural event in Perpignan.
Convidat – Father Becque
The president of Albères without borders ens ve to explain the fight of the associació per la reobertura dels passos borderers Catalans, particularly pel coll de Banyuls, tancat per decisió de la prefectura d’ençà del 2020.
The president of Albères without borders comes to explain the association’s fight for the reopening of Catalan border crossings, in particular the Col de Banyuls, closed by decision of the prefecture from 2020.
Ecologia – Marine Vinas
La Marine Vinas ensparla avui de la Recyclerie, a space for the recovery of various objects of consumption diari, that troben went to a segona vida.
Marine Vinas talks to us today about the Recyclerie, a recovery space for various objects of daily consumption, which find a second life there.
Descoberta – Lluis Dagues
Mentre l’univers sencer mira cap a Westminster, en Lluís troba l’ocasió de contar la mort de tot un rei de França a Perpinyà. Mort menys famosa, però mes violenta.
While the whole universe is turned towards Westminster, Louis finds the occasion to tell the death of a whole king of France in Perpignan. Death certainly less famous, but more violent.
Versions – Julio Leone
Cançó d’amor, cançó de ruptura… El romàntic Julio Leone ens declined the different versions of “Ne me quitte pas”, by Jacques Brel. If you want to escoltar the Catalan version integrally, fire click here!
Love song, breakup song… The romantic Julio Leone declines the different versions of “Ne me quitte pas”, by Jacques Brel. To listen to the full Catalan version, Click here !