Seniors: hours of conviviality financed by social security to fight against isolation



Article written by

D.Sébastien, L.Legendre, J.-P.Rivalain, A.Zouiouèche – France 2

France Televisions

To break the isolation of the elderly, the social security financing bill examined in the Assembly provides for the reimbursement of hours spent with the elderly. It’s called hours of conviviality.

Doing the toilet, the housework, the meal, like every day, it’s the race for an auxiliary of life. In his busy schedule, there is not much space for conviviality. “That’s what’s missing, the time to stay with the person”thinks Natalie Farialife assistant. Two hours a week for social connectionexchanges and discussion, this is one of the bills on the financing of social security.

That’s what benefits Jeannine Lezin. Twice a week, a helper comes to her home to take her to do her daily shopping and chat. “It’s very important for me, especially for my state of health, it’s very important to have someone and for my loneliness too”she says. This makes it possible to fight against isolation, but also to give more meaning to the job of home assistant. For auxiliaries, this allows them to go beyond daily tasks. “It also makes us feel good to be able to have contact with the person (…) that all the time of the interview or other”emphasizes Christelle Giroud life assistant. About 800,000 beneficiaries in France are concerned.

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