Detox. Not 228,000 people crossed the European border illegally in 2020


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“In the first nine months of 2022, 228,000 people crossed the European border illegally”, indicated Europe 1 on October 14. A figure often presented in the media as the number of “irregular entries”.

In the first nine months of 2022, 228,000 people crossed the European border illegally “, indicated on October 14 Europe 1.
A figure often presented in the media as the number of ” irregular entries “.

Except that this statistic, from a press release from Frontex, the European border agency, is false. It actually corresponds to detected attempts to enter the territory illegally, attempts which may be made by the same people, and which do not necessarily result in actual entries.

Frontex also emphasizes at the end of its press release that “the same person can attempt to cross the border several times in different places on the external border. »

Contacted by Désintox, Frontex also specifies that ” irregular crossing detection can correspond to three different situations: when an officer sees a migrant crossing the border and is apprehended », « when an officer detects migrants who wish to cross the border, without necessarily crossing it “, or ” when an officer or a surveillance camera sees a migrant crossing the border and they are not apprehended “.

But Frontex press releases are regularly misunderstood. Already in 2016, Nicolas Sarkozy’s former Secretary of State for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche (LR) had wrongly declared that 1.8 million people had entered Europe illegally. He too was based, misunderstanding them, on the figures of the agency, which indicated that its agents had detected 1.8 million crossings of European borders.

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