“the ball is in your court”, launches the Minister of Health, François Braun, to the deputies

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11:13 a.m. : Hello @Vince. It’s a good question. Faced with the “blocking” of the opposition, the government appealed to the National Assembly at 49.3, citing the risk of a France “without a budget”. Such an American-style “shutdown” scenario is however impossible in France, according to several lawyers interviewed by AFP. Several constitutional devices are precisely designed to prevent the country from finding itself “no budget” on January 1 and unable, for example, to pay civil servants.

11:13 a.m. : Hello, I have a question about the PLF. If the government let parliament do its thing (so no 49-3) and the latter rejected the budget, what would happen concretely? Is it possible that the State does not have a voted budget to start a year? Is there an equivalent to the “shutdown” of the United States? Thank you for your clarifications.

09:35 : ??️ Use of 49.3 on the #Budget: “We had a lot more time for debate in the hemicycle than last year, so the debate really took place [et] rules have been set. We don’t increase taxes, we don’t increase debt”, assures @olivierveran to @agindre. https://t.co/GAv0ldbgrJ

09:38 : “We don’t increase taxes, we don’t increase debt.”

For Olivier Véran, the government took the time to discuss before resorting to 49.3. “We had a lot more time for debate in the hemicycle than last year, so the debate really took place”

09:02 : At 9 a.m., we invite you to take a break and take stock of the news:

• Elisabeth Borne triggered article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the first part of the 2023 finance bill. La Nupes filed a motion of censure in response. The deputies will now continue with the examination of the Social Security budget. Franceinfo retraces the course of the day yesterday.

France repatriated this morning 40 children and 15 women “from camps in northeast Syria”communicates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

• The striking employees of two oil sites of TotalEnergies, in the North and the Bouches-du-Rhône, yesterday suspended their mobilization for wages, according to the national coordinator of the CGT for the group. On the other hand, the movement was renewed in two other sites of the group, in Normandy and in the Rhône.

Lola’s murder continues to set the political world ablaze. Franceinfo explains to you why the obligation to leave French territory which targeted the young woman indicted for the murder of the 12-year-old schoolgirl is controversial.

The Swiss prosecution is appealing the acquittal of Michel Platini and Sepp Blatter.

08:57 : The activation of article 49.3 is the “a sign of government failure”, in the dialogue of political forces, reacts on franceinfo Gérard Larcher, president LR of the Senate. He adds that, in addition, it is “an already obsolete budget”.

08:57 : Hello @Francois31 and @question mark. This 2023 budget includes several measures, starting with a “tariff shield” of 45 billion euros which should help the French to cope with the explosion in energy prices. Individuals will also benefit from the increase to inflation of the income tax scale (a cost of 6.2 billion euros for the State). You will find in this article the details of the measures, even if the government has since added a hundred amendments (we are preparing a new article for you during the day).

08:57 : Hello ! I surely missed an episode but can you remind us what this famous budget contains? In understandable language, thank you ?.

08:56 : Hello FI and thank you for your work. Could you tell us what the budget contains please? There are several parts it seems? Is the pension reform part of it? Thanks

08:30 : ?? Le 49.3: “I refute the term “forced passage”. The government is responsible for the country, and the country cannot be managed without a budget”@YaelBRAUNPIVET, president of @AssembleeNat. #Les4V https://t.co/4FkVPXOsQ0

09:43 : “I refute the term ‘forced passage’. (…) The government is responsible for the country, and the country cannot be managed without a budget.”

Guest of the “4 truths” of France 2, Yaël Braun-Pivet: “At some point, you have to draw the consequences of the impossibility of obtaining a vote.”

08:12 : Hello . So, we will go back to the explanations 🙂 Since the constitutional reform of 2008, the use of 49.3 is effectively limited. From now on, the executive must content itself with using it only on the budgetary texts and on one text per parliamentary session (from October to June if there is no extraordinary session), which drastically limits its use. to pass laws. But he can therefore use it as many times as he wishes on the budgetary texts. Have a good day !

08:14 : Hello FI. I thought you could only use 49.3 once per parliamentary session. But then I must have misunderstood… Have a nice day!

07:50 : Hello @Jeans. Some members of the opposition recognize it: the government had no choice but to resort to 49.3. From the moment when the majority is not absolute in the Assembly and no government agreement has been found with an opposition group, this was the only possibility for Elisabeth Borne. “You cannot vote for a budget when you are part of the opposition”, explained to me last week an LR deputy. Moreover, other recourses to 49.3 are to be expected in the coming weeks for the social security budget in particular.

07:50 : Hello FI. To not use the 49.3 what should be done? Apply the program of the minority Nupes in Parliament?

07:28 : The executive tries to show that it is “constructive”, but the opening is very timid. The government decided to have recourse this Wednesday to 49.3 to have the first part of the finance bill adopted. In total, 117 amendments were retained within the framework of this PLF, according to information from franceinfo, including 75 from the majority, 23 from the government and 19 from opposition groups.

07:04 : Release and Humanity share the same analysis (with one word) on the use of 49.3 by the government of Elisabeth Borne, between “notice of weakness” and “admission of weakness”.

06:01 : Without further ado, here is a first point on the news:

• Elisabeth Borne triggered article 49.3 of the Constitution to adopt the first part of the 2023 finance bill. La Nupes filed a motion of censure in response. The deputies will now continue with the examination of the Social Security budget. Franceinfo retraces the course of the day yesterday.

• The striking employees of two oil sites of TotalEnergies, in the North and the Bouches-du-Rhône, yesterday suspended their mobilization for wages, according to the national coordinator of the CGT for the group. On the other hand, the movement was renewed in two other sites of the group, in Normandy and in the Rhône.

Lola’s murder continues to set the political world ablaze. Franceinfo explains to you why the obligation to leave French territory which targeted the young woman indicted for the murder of the 12-year-old schoolgirl is controversial.

The writer Jean Teulé, author of thunder flower and Suicide storedied at the age of 69.

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