Marathon Back to the Future at Cinema la Strada

Before the start of the Re-Play festival, the La Strada cinema in Mouans-Sartoux invites us to relive the adventures of Doc and Marty Mc Fly by screening the three Back to the Future films. Name of Zeus!

From 7 p.m. let’s go for the marathon and the cult trilogy by Robert Zemeckis who hasn’t aged a bit… future obliges.

The Back to the Future evening is well announced at Ciné La Strada in Mouans

At what price ?

4.80€ per film for children 6.5€ for adults 15€ the pack of 3 films

Sam, passionate about the Côte d’Azur of the trilogy

Sam is a real fan of the Back to the Future universe and movies.
Sam is a real fan of the Back to the Future universe and movies.
Sam Bouveyron

On the French Riviera, a fan of the trilogy is a relay of Backers (the community of aficionados of Back to the future (Back to the Future)).

Every time I watch one of the movies, I discover new things

He will be present at Mouans-Sartoux Re-Play Festival to present his collection similar objects to those seen in the movies. And no, he does not – unfortunately – have Delorean.

source site-36