Pas-de-Calais, land of welcome for bereaved parents



France 3

Article written by

P. Mauger, D. Deparnay, B. Espalieu France 3 Nord Pas-de-Calais, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

Following the murder of their daughter, Friday October 14, Lola’s parents left for Pas-de-Calais to join their family.

The parents of Lola, murdered in Paris, have taken refuge with the grandmother of the 12-year-old girl in Fouquereuil (Pas-de-Calais). Police officers watch day and night over their peace. In this small town in the North, the 1,700 inhabitants feel united in the ordeal that the couple is going through. “It touches me, it’s still a 12-year-old girl who didn’t ask for anything and neither did her parents”testifies a Fouquereuilloise.

The mayor met with the bereaved parents the day after their arrival. A couple still upset by the violence of the murder of their daughter. “They are incomprehension. They do not understand how we can be in this situation of relentlessness and massacre”, says Gérard Ogiez, mayor of Fouquereuil. The couple accepted that a tribute be paid in the town on Friday October 21, but without speaking or gathering. The family does not want this drama to serve as political recovery.

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