West Bank | Palestinian killed after shooting at Israeli guards

(Maale Adoumim) A Palestinian was shot dead Wednesday evening after shooting at Israeli guards at the entrance to the Jewish settlement of Maale Adoumim in the occupied West Bank, according to an AFP photographer and Israeli police.

Posted at 2:15 p.m.

“A terrorist shot at the entrance of Maale Adoumim in the direction of the guards […] injuring one of them in the hand before being ‘incapacitated’ by the other guards,” police said in a statement.

An AFP photographer saw a dead man on the ground shortly after, with police around him.

The Magen David Adom, Israel’s equivalent of the Red Cross, said it treated “a man in his 20s, shot in the hand” and then evacuated him to a hospital in Jerusalem.

Maale Adumim, one of the largest settlements in the West Bank, is located between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea.

This incident occurs in a context of high tensions in the West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 by the Jewish state.

They have increased in recent months in the north of this territory, particularly in the areas of Nablus and Jenin, strongholds of armed groups, where the Jewish state has stepped up operations in the wake of deadly anti-Israeli attacks in March and in April.

These raids, often interspersed with clashes with the Palestinian population, left more than a hundred dead on the Palestinian side, the heaviest toll in the West Bank for nearly seven years, according to the UN.

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