fish that adapt to global warming




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Vincent Rondreux, author for the media “We Demain”, was the guest of the 23h of franceinfo to discuss his investigation entitled “Grand bazaar in the ocean”. This teaches us among others that some marine animals adapt to Warming climate.

Even if they are rare, some marine species manage to adapt to global warming. This is what Vincent Round, author for the media We Demainot, To explained to the microphone of franceinfo Wednesday 24 November. Among these animals, we find the bluefin tuna, “who manages to regulate his temperature“. Thanks to this faculty, “it can very well be found in warm seas like in Iceland, as in cold seas“. And it is a rare thing in fish which are animals To blood cold.

But bluefin tuna are not the only ones adapting. Jellyfish too. And they are tough. Jellyfish love warming up. Jellyfish are not afraid of ocean acidification. And besides, jellyfish digest plastic very well, so for them everything is fine.“, details Vincent Round. While waiting for the advent of the era of jellyfish, most species of fish remain very affected by global warming which, in the long term, will eventually displace fishing grounds, not without generating some tension.


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