“In addition to the despicable drama that affects this family, there is a lot of indecency on the part of people who turn this story into an election leaflet.“ Guest of RTL Tuesday, October 18, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, called on far-right political leaders to reflect “to the consequences of their words” after the murder of 12-year-old Lola, whose body was found in the 19th arrondissement of Paris on Friday.
Since this weekend, several deputies from the National Rally (RN) have reacted strongly on social networks, relaying their anger after the tragedy.“The bastards who did this must rot in prison until the end of their days!”protested the spokesperson for the National Rally (RN), Laure Lavalette.
“This appalling crime is anything but a news item. Every day, acts of incredible violence are increasing, and nothing serious is being done to stem this spiral of violence”said RN deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes, Bryan Masson. Marine Le Pen, for her part, called for “Stop the crazy policies that make these crimes possible”.
Once again, a terrible assassination. A little girl massacred in the heart of Paris. One day, it will be necessary to go to the end of the investigations to find, not only the direct culprits, but also, to stop the crazy policies which make these crimes possible. https://t.co/icd2OvV2fd
– Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) October 16, 2022
The case quickly took a political turn, as the main indicted suspect, Dahbia B., was born in Algeria and was under an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). “She had nothing to do in France, yet nothing was done. We have before our eyes the complete bankruptcy of the government”, castigated Monday Jordan Bardella, acting president of the RN. The leader of Reconquête!, Eric Zemmour, went even further by calling the murder of the teenager a “Francocide”.
Dahbia B., Amine K., Friha B. and Rachid N., these are the names of the four Algerian suspects in the case of the murder of #Lola.
When will we defend our children against these Francocides which are always committed by the same people, always to the detriment of the same people?
— Eric Zemmour (@ZemmourEric) October 17, 2022
The suspect had arrived “regularly, as a student on the national territory” in 2016, recalled Gérald Darmanin on RTL. She was arrested on August 21 at an airport by the police. The latter noted a lack of residence permit. As provided for in the procedure for foreigners without a criminal record, an OQTF was issued to him, with a voluntary return period of 30 days. “Things happened in unfortunately unpredictable conditions.“, added the Minister of the Interior.