a “recklessness”, according to the Rennes prosecutor’s office

On July 19, 2022, 17 children were injured
in a stampede of ponies, in the equestrian farm of Saint-M’Hervé, near Vitré, in Ille-et-Vilaine. Six of them had a total incapacity for work from a week to a month and a half. The Rennes prosecutor’s office had opened an investigation. He is now delivering the first results of his investigation.

Prosecuted for “involuntary injuries”

The Public Prosecutor of Rennes judges that the equestrian center has committed a “recklessness”. The accident occurred on the path leading to the meadow: the children and their companions were bringing the ponies there for the night. However, this path was fenced, 200 meters long and about 4 meters narrow, which did not allow to evacuate quickly, in the event of an incident, he judges.

On the other hand, the investigation did not identify no problems with the frame children. One of the two guides was in training. But both had the required training and diplomas.

The Domaine de la Haute Hairie is therefore being prosecuted for “involuntary injuries”. The manager or managers will have to appear before the Rennes police court on March 6. alone fines may be pronounced, that is to say, for example, a fine or awareness-raising courses.

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