On October 15, 2022, Léa Salamé had to face a particularly heated debate on the set of the show what time on France 2. Invited to debate with Marie Cau, the first trans mayor, the writer Dora Moutot was quickly described as “transphobic” by his interlocutor. Evoking the family planning poster which caused a scandal with men “pregnant” and expressing his concern about the lexicon of the site which explains that “sex is a social construct” and that'”a penis is not a penis“, the young woman was vilified by her interlocutor.
Why enter into a heteronormative standard?
“It’s obvious that the whole fachosphere, all the anti-trans hatred was going to develop after this poster“ indicates Marie Cau, “Commenting and saying that anyone who disagrees with you is far right or fachosphere is extremely misleading” then answers the young woman. Trying as best she can to explain her questions, she explains: “For me, Marie Cau, he is a transfeminine man, that is, a person who is biologically a male – we can’t say the opposite – except that this person has tastes that correspond to what is called ‘the female gender“.
Rolling her eyes and apparently scandalized by Dora Moutot’s remark, Marie Cau continues: “Why enter into a heteronormative standard?“explaining that the poster merely demonstrates”a trans man with a uterus“.
I don’t want to say what’s in my panties
“For ordinary mortals, it’s a bit complicated a trans man with a uterus” adds Christophe Dechavanne, a little confused. “I’m going to explain you can be a man or a woman in civil status even if you haven’t done the operations.” indicates Marie Cau. Exasperated, Dora Moutot argues: “But we switch to a society of feelings. So if I want to change my age, will there be brokers?“
Furious, Marie Cau adds: “This is the typical discourse of the fachosphere!“, “But no, I’m not facho!” gets angry Dora Moutot. “But let me speak!“. Trying to restore order on the set, Léa Salamé tries to defend Dora Moutot: “She can say it, without necessarily being disqualified, Wait, we were engaged in a constructive debate“.
“But this is the discourse of fundamentalist American conservatives I know him !” continues Marie Cau, sure of herself. “I will not let myself be insulted” indicates Dora before Marie Cau adds: “But no, it’s you who insult people and it’s been years! (…) Me I don’t want to say what’s in my panties.“A debate that Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne will surely remember for a long time…