defense found, mental strength, youth at the rendezvous … Why the defeat of the XV of France against England is full of promise

The spleen of the last few months, fed by a rugby gripped by scrambles and inconstancy, had pushed the XV of France to readjust its speech. The one who did not hide his ambition to seek his first world title in New Zealand before the 2022 Six Nations Tournament, came forward after a complicated preparation (a sluggish victory against Italy and a defeat) like a solid outsider , but far from the status of ultra-favorite precisely stuck to the English.

However, facing the first nation in the world, and a team which won its 11th consecutive success against the Habs, this Saturday, October 15 during the second group match of the Rugby World Cup, the Blues may have finally gone look for this match “founder”. “We needed to be reassured about our state of mindconfirmed the best tackler of the game Marjorie Mayans a few seconds later. It was a complicated year, I think we are right and it gives us a good basis for the rest of the competition.”

The success of the day is above all defensive. Even during the Tournament, where they failed to make the Grand Slam by falling in the last match against these same Red Roses, the Blues never made such a copy. Namely by erecting an almost hermetic defensive wall on his line (only 1 English try) and by managing to counter them on their favorite phase of the game: the balls carried.

“We needed to prove things to each other individually and collectively, and today we played the perfect game in defense, we made them doubt. We can raise our heads, I’m proud of the group and the state of spirit.”

Gaëlle Hermet, captain of the XV of France

at the microphone of TF1

To fully appreciate the thickness of the performance achieved, you have to take a look at the figures. In total, the Blues made nearly 214 tackles against 74. Marjorie Mayans and Charlotte Escudero made 24 each. Realize, it is customary to consider that 10 tackles to the assets of a player or a player is proof of a good defensive game. Facing the English, 9 Tricolors exceed this symbolic figure. We did indeed find “the hungry”, the nickname they gave themselves.

If the first impacts – we will long remember this tackle from the three-quarter center Maëlle Filopon on the pillar Sarah Bern which she pushed back despite an obvious difference in size – quickly proved that the Blue would be present in the physical engagement , two facts of the game could have cut their wings.

On one of the rare French offensives, from the 13th minute, Laure Sansus collapses, hit in the knee. A little later (17th), it is another part of this team who does not get up. Romane Ménager is knocked out after mispositioning his head while trying to tackle. She ends up coming to her senses but is evacuated. In four minutes, the XV of France loses its maestro, its X factor, the one who was recently voted best Frenchwoman of the 2022 season, and a powerful profile and rare puncher, essential to advance this team with the ball in hand.

Loulou and Romane are great players so of course it’s hard to lose them to injury, but that’s rugby, it happens. At that time, we try to stay in the game. We say to ourselves ‘they bring us two players out, we have to answer’.

Céline Ferer, second line and vice captain of the XV of France

at the microphone of TF1

After the release of this duo, we almost expect to see these Bleues again falling into their recent failings, and gradually losing track. It is not so. “We showed commitment, solidarity, personalityexposes the second line. Given the score, they [les Anglaises] were hot, it’s still a lost match but we can go back to the locker room with our heads held high.”

This state of mind is all the more remarkable as this XV of France has continued the transformation initiated during the last Tournament, gradually leaving the keys to a new generation. Most participate in their first World Cup. If at the back Chloé Jacquet (20 years old), impressively serene during the Tournament, missed out, notably stammering several high balls from the start of the match, Charlotte Escudero (3 selections, 21 years old) finished co-best tackler , while Joanna Grisez (2 sel, 26 years old) is largely involved in the only French test. And we must also highlight the performances of Madoussou Fall (19 salt, 24 years old), Emilie Boulard (14 salt, 23 years old) or that of Maëlle Filopon (17 salt, 25 years old).

Watching this youth pass so close to inflicting on England the first defeat in its history in the group stages of a World Cup, despite the circumstances mentioned above, is enough to make you smile. The boss of the Bleues, Thomas Darracq, could not help but miss one when taking stock. “We are doing a great defensive performance, but we still have to let go. These are games that are down to nothing. I hope we will have the opportunity to see this England team again in front of us.”

If the Blues continue on this path, the reunion promises to be as quick as it is fiery.

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