Serge Lama surprises Anisha who collapses when she discovers it!

During the broadcast of his portrait, the emotion could be read on the face of Anisha. The 22-year-old is part of the cast of the new season of the star Academywhich kicked off this Saturday, November 15 on TF1.

Originally from Madagascar, the singer had a childhood that she describes as “hard”. “I had a lack of love, of consideration”she developed in front of the cameras of the first channel. “Music helped me rebuild myself today (…) it has a huge place”she continued adding that she allows him to “feel good” and evacuate “stress”, “fear”. “I have few friends (…) I go home alone, I’m always alone, I’m afraid to go to others”.

On stage, she interpreted Serge Lama’s famous piece, I am sick. A performance that was hailed by the public but also by the web which sees in it a potential winner. Jenifer, before, she had sung this song and it had brought her luck…

After providing emotion, Anisha received a nice surprise. In duplex, Serge Lama congratulated the young candidate. “Tonight I had a wonderful time”admitted the one who released his 24th and last album, titled To like, Friday, October 7. We can imagine that he would have appreciated sharing this scene and this moment with this young artist who has the potential to go far in this adventure!

See also: Last minute – the singer Serge Lama in bad shape retires for good: “My body makes me suffer a lot”

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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