Strike at TotalEnergies, march against the cost of living, vote on the budget, tributes to Samuel Paty… What to remember from the interview with Mathilde Panot

Mathilde Panot, MP for Val-de-Marne and president of the La France insoumise (LFI) group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Sunday October 16, 2022. She answered questions from Neila Latrous and Lorrain Seneschal.

Strike at TotalEnergies: a mobilization “of general interest”

The strike at the TotalEnergies sites began on September 27, causing a fuel shortage in the country to date. A mobilization judged “of general interest” by the member who points out that these employees “fight for all”. “They ask for 10%, it’s not extraordinary to give 10% in a company that has made 16 billion in profits in six months”criticizes the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly.

“If the workers of Total do not manage to obtain wage increases, no one will have them in the country”warns Mathilde Panot. “If Emmanuel Macron and his government had accepted our amendments on the rise in the Smic, and therefore the increase in all salaries in this country in July, we would not have been in this situation of chaos”she adds.

March against the high cost of living: “It’s already a success”

The left marches on Sunday October 16 “against the high cost of living and climate inaction”. “It’s already a success”boasts the elected LFI, highlighting the common appeal of “25 organizations and 700 trade unionists”. “Just the call of this march shows that we have already done something that is quite historic,” she points out. A demonstration necessary according to her to challenge Emmanuel Macron.

“We need a great popular balance of power in the face of this government’s policy of social and ecological mistreatment.”

Mathilde Panot

on franceinfo

The other issue with this walk is safety. If the presence of ultras is feared by the police, according to Mathilde Panot, “it is the orders given to the police and the techniques in maintaining order that create problems in the demonstrations. I dare to hope that this time the orders will be that the demonstration goes well”specifying that the organizers met the new prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nuñez. “He does not seem on the same brutality technique as Mr. Lallement”launches the deputy.

Budget vote: “We cannot govern this country with 49.3”

The budget is currently being discussed in the National Assembly, amended by the opposition, in particular with the vote for a tax on superdividends, and upcoming debates on the ISF. “It’s interesting what we win, it shows a puzzle-like state of Macronie”advances Mathilde Panot who fears the use by the government of article 49.3 to have the budget adopted in its initial project.

“There is no alternative majority at this stage”, she warns, recalling that the presidential party no longer has an absolute majority in the hemicycle. A situation according to the MP which no longer allows us to move forward, “we can’t govern this country with 49.3”. “When we are at an impasse, the only solution is to come back to the voters”she concludes, therefore advocating the dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic.

Tributes to Samuel Paty: “We must not forget anything, give up nothing on the question of freedoms”

This Sunday is also the second anniversary of the assassination of Samuel Paty. The teacher was beheaded by a terrorist on October 16, 2020 in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines). A ceremony takes place on Sunday in Samuel-Paty Square in Paris in the 5th arrondissement, including a laying of wreaths. “We must not forget anything, give up nothing on the question of freedoms”recalls the elected, stressing that the teachers “are those who work for the emancipation of young people in this country”.

However, the LFI group opposes LR Eric Ciotti’s bill prohibiting religious clothing at school. “One of the things that we must never give in to terrorist acts is the question of division”explains Mathilde Panot.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday October 16, 2022:

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