China ‘will never renounce the use of force’ to reunify Taiwan, says Xi Jinping

The Chinese president also slammed “external forces” meddling from Taiwan, an island the Chinese regime considers part of its territory.

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Xi Jinping blasted foreign interference in Taiwan. During a speech at the Communist Party congress in Beijing on Sunday, October 16, the Chinese president hammered home his desire to reunify the island, which he considers to be an integral part of Chinese territory. “The reunification of the fatherland must be achieved and will be achieved”he declared, condemning all “separatism and interferenceforeign on this issue. “The resolution of the Taiwan question is the business of the Chinese people themselves and [elle] must be resolved by the Chinese people alone,” continued Xi Jinping.

In September, US President Joe Biden assured that the United States would defend the island coveted by Beijing “if an unprecedented attack were to occur”. After which, thehe China had denounced a “serious violation” of the diplomatic promises from Washington.

“We will work with the greatest sincerity and the greatest efforts for a peaceful reunification [de Taïwan], but we will never renounce the use of force and we reserve the right to take all necessary measures”threatened Xi Jinping in his speech, without however mentioning either the tensions between China and the United States, or the situation in Ukraine.

Arriving at the podium to thunderous applause, Xi Jinping took stock of the last five years for more than an hour and a half and delivered his roadmap for the next five, in front of some 2,300 delegates gathered in the huge People’s Palace. In this speech, devoted mainly to domestic political matters, the president also welcomed the transition of Hong Kong “from chaos to governance” since the imposition of a national security law in 2020 that cut off dissenting voices in this territory. “The situation in Hong Kong has achieved a major transition from chaos to governance”he was delighted.

Xi Jinping also briefly mentioned the climate crisis, assuring that his country, one of the biggest polluters on the planet and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, was going to “actively promote” the fight against global warming.

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