candidates for the fifth wave challenge

The question arises all the more acutely as a series of public meetings is scheduled for December. On the 5th, the meetings of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and that of Eric Zemmour are organized. The following week, it is those of the Republicans, Anne Hidalgo and Yannick Jadot. Each time, thousands of people are expected.

Previously, there will have been the launch of “Together citizens”, the structure which will bring together all the parties of the majority. On stage Monday, November 29, there will be important officials: the President of the Assembly Richard Ferrand, the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the boss of the Modem François Bayrou among others. And in the room, ministers, deputies, senators, mayors, activists …

The Maison de la Mutualité which welcomes all these beautiful people has a capacity of 2,000 people. “He fas long as it is full “, explains a minister. But there is a risk, and the same is aware of it: “That people wonder if this is really reasonable “ to bring so many people together as the epidemic sets off again.

The majority are unlucky: its Prime Minister has just been tested positive, and since then the question of the exemplary nature of the political arises. Photos and videos are relayed on social networks, by Jean Castex and other officials who do not respect barrier gestures. There is also a precedent: a municipal meeting in March 2020, where several right-wing elected officials were contaminated. “So the question of political meetings will arise again “, anticipates a socialist senator.

In reality, the candidates are already asking themselves it: a health pass was requested at the entrance to a meeting of Anne Hidalgo at the Marbrerie on November 20, at least two of the candidates for the Congress of the right – Michel Barnier and Valérie Pécresse – also request it for their public meetings.

You will also have to show your QR code on Monday at the Mutualité. “If we have the sanitary pass and we keep the mask inside, that’s fine “, reassures a framework of the majority. Except that there is a catch: the health pass “cannot be required for access to political meetings “. It is written in the decision n ° 2021-828 DC of the Constitutional Council, dated November 9. The political service of franceinfo contacted a constitutionalist, rather classified on the left, who explained to us what this decision implies: according to him, the parties or the candidates do not have the right to prevent a person from accessing their meeting on the grounds that he does not have a health pass.

This means that it is display, which is recognized by a figure on the left, to say: “I am responsible and I organize safe meetings. “Except it’s illegal.

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