students demonstrate to denounce an extra year of study



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Medical students demonstrated Friday, October 14, in Paris, in front of the Ministry of Health. Apprentice doctors are campaigning against the extra year of study that could be put in place to encourage them to settle in medical deserts.

In Paris, on Friday October 14, medical students gathered to demonstrate and show their opposition to the idea of ​​doing an additional year of internship. Indeed, a bill extends by one year the study time to become a general practitioner. The internship will now last 4 years for a total study time that will reach 10 years. This additional year will have to be carried out in priority in the medical deserts.We have the impression of being moved to overcome a public health problem“, explains Erwan Salmon, a medical student.

Students demonstrated in several cities to express their discontent. In Lyon (Rhône), more than 2,000 people gathered in front of the Regional Health Agency. In Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), apprentice doctors mobilized to denounce the lack of consultation on this new bill.There are plenty of people who start their families, who marry before the end of their internship and it is just not possible that we are told to settle in a region which is perhaps far from that of our parents. , our family, our friends“, laments a protester. This bill will be presented on October 20 to the National Assembly.

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