Nearly 2,000 Quebecers per year suffer a head injury

(Montreal) Each year in Quebec, approximately 2,000 people are victims of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). A shock that can sometimes leave serious long-term consequences.

Posted at 12:11 p.m.

According to data provided by Connexion TCC. QC, 77% of victims of head trauma will suffer from insomnia and depressive symptoms.

It is for these reasons, among others, that the organization is organizing its 19e Quebec week of traumatic brain injury. From October 15 to 21, some forty activities are planned in 16 regions of Quebec to raise public awareness of the dangers of head injuries and thus try to prevent them.

This year, it is under the theme “Don’t let yourself down” that the activities have been designed. It is therefore important to remember, literally, that falls are the leading cause of TBI in Quebec. Then, in a figurative sense, we try to encourage victims who suffer from after-effects to hang on.

The General Manager of TCC Connection. QC, Marjolaine Tapin, underlines that following a head trauma, people can experience balance disorders, anxiety, irritability, fatigue.

Symptoms little known to society in general and which can be misinterpreted by those around them. Hence the importance of awareness.

TCC connection. QC, which is the grouping of associations of people with traumatic brain injury in Quebec, is made up of 15 member organizations in 16 regions. They serve nearly 4,000 people living with TBI as well as their loved ones.

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