Queen of Pop for over 40 years… a look back at her physical evolution!

Pop icon, Madonna surfs, since her beginnings in music, on provocation. Between sex, drugs and Rock’N’Roll, the singer assumes 100%. Unfortunately, at 64, his buzz shots are no longer unanimous among Internet users. Lately, the star was also singled out for having announced his homosexuality on TikTok. ” It’s the shortest coming out in the world », « So Madonna is telling us she’s gay or is she trying yet another buzz shot? “, could we read in the comments of his video. In addition, his look has also been talked about. ” I didn’t recognize him with the bleached eyebrows and pink hair,” “Is that Madonna? It’s too sad, her face is deformed”, “Unrecognizable with this head”, “But what else has she done to her face? A question that many fans ask themselves.

Lifting, rhinoplasty, injection

Interviewed by Page Six, Dr. Ehsan Ali, CEO of Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor, then confided in the many cosmetic surgeries that Madonna has undergone over the years. ” She definitely had a facelift “, he said. ” You can see her skin is pulled back and tight, with no loose skin and no wrinkles. A facelift also changes the shape of your eyes, which you can see in her picture, her eyes look pulled back “. For the surgeon, Madonna would also have resorted to rhinoplasty. A remark that Dr. Ramtin Kassir, doctor known to have taken care of Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Gwen Stefani and even Ariana Grande, confirms. ” The nose looks too narrow and pointed. »

Also, Guy Ritchie’s ex received botox injections. “ There is minimal movement and no expression lines, confirming that there are multiple units of botox in his forehead, crow’s feet and glabella. “. For the two professionals, Madonna is ” completely different from that which she may have been younger. Her cheeks are too high and his superficial features. A change that does not please everyone.


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