Climate change: for climatologist Jean Jouzel, we must “educate throughout life”


France 3

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Friday, October 14, the 19/20 settles in Brittany for a special edition devoted to climate change. the climatologist Jean JouzelNobel Peace Prize with the IPCCis present to talk about the need to educate society about these issues.

The 19/20 settles in Brittany, Friday October 14, for a special edition devoted to climate change. The climatologist and Nobel Peace Prize winner with the IPCCJeans Jouzelis live from the Cité de la voile in Lorient (Morbihan). Last summer was the hottest in history, including in Brittany. This willbecome the norm? No not right now. In the 2050s, summers like the ones we have today will become the norm. It will be gradual, but next summer may very well be completely normal“, explains Jean Jouzel.

In general, more intense, more frequent heat waves will set in by 2050 and beyond, if warming continues“, continues the climatologist. Asked about a possible awareness of the French following the climatic episodes of this summer, Jean Jouzel believes that it exists in “a certain part of the French”.

My fear is really that this awareness will fade quickly if we actually have a normal summer, yet another“, continues the climatologist. Jeans Jouzel considers it necessary “educate young people, also educate throughout life”. This transition is attractive. To succeed is really to move towards a more peaceful world“, he adds.

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