Germany and Denmark face inflation, energy crisis in Belgium



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Like every day, the franceinfo evening news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday 13 October.

Germany passes the 10% inflation mark, unheard of since the Second World War. “Butter, for example, costs almost 3 euros whereas it was 1.50 euros a few months ago. You can’t get anything for your money anymore“, worries a woman. The 200 billion euro plan announced by the Chancellor already seems too weak to some.

High cost of life is driving up thefts in Danish supermarkets. In one of them, the rate of shoplifting doubled. “A lot of cheese disappears“, says the manager of the store, who has chosen to close the automatic checkouts to reduce the phenomenon. To compensate for the shortfall, large retailers will further increase prices.
Belgian fruit growers are hit hard by energy prices. Of the eight hectares of a fruit farm, five will be uprooted, the profitability of the sector no longer being assured. Many try to sell their apples as soon as they are harvested. The market is now saturated, but apples could therefore be scarce at the start of winter.

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