The star Academy is making a comeback on TF1. On October 15, 2022, the first channel will kick off the new season. Viewers will thus meet the 13 candidates who will take over the castle of Dammrie-les-Lys. It will also be an opportunity to reunite with some former students, including Lucie Bernardoni. The finalist of season 4 (in 2004) was chosen to be one of the two coaches who will prepare the students for the Saturday bonus. Before her big comeback, the beautiful brunette confided in our colleagues from Audience and brought up a painful subject.
Lucie Bernardoni suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a genetic disease “muscular and vascular“as she has already explained in the past. Despite everything, the wife of Patrice Maktav knows that she will be able to manage the fatigue and thus ensure her role as coach of the star Academy that she wanted so much. “Widely! Now I manage to rest, with the right physio exercises and a stable lifestyle“, she told Audience. But she quickly clarified that “that does not prevent physical pain and certain questions“.”Like the possibility or not of getting pregnant again. Because even if I want to have a second child, I will not put my health at risk. I want to live and make the most of things“, she concluded.
This is not the first time that Lucie Bernardoni has mentioned her desire for a child. Asked by Jordan de Luxe last June, the one who is already the happy mother of Lily Angelina (12 years old, born from a previous relationship) explained that the diagnosis of her illness has been made “quite late“.”I don’t have great health. I will certainly not be able to be pregnant again, to my great despair (…) I speak for myself in relation to a combination of other health problems“, she confided last June. Two years earlier, she had admitted that a “endometriosis complicated things a bit more“. With Patrice Maktav, they therefore wanted to adopt.
The full interview can be found in the magazine Audience of October 14, 2022.