Jean-Luc Mélenchon points to the responsibility of “Total, which does not want to share anything”

Whereas the strike continues in half of the country’s refineries at the initiative of the CGT,
and on the eve of‘a march against “high cost of living” and the government
organized by the left, associations and trade unionists, Jean-Luc Mélenchon showed his support for the strikers on France Bleu this Friday. “Who takes us into the shortage? Total who does not want to share anything”commented the leader La France insoumise (LFI), guest of My France.

“What matters is the support of the company’s employees” replied Jean-Luc Mélenchon, questioned on the will of the CGT to continue the movement while the CFDT and the CFE-CGC, in the majority, announced that they had signed the agreement on salaries negotiated with the management of TotalEnergies in mid- daytime. “I have the impression that the strike is well followed and that it is democratically organized. So, here, like many people, I feel united, notwithstanding the difficulties that we may encounter.”

“I feel united, notwithstanding the difficulties we may encounter”

On the rising fuel prices, Jean-Luc Mélenchon pointed “the speculative effect” provoked by the oil-producing countries: “When Mr. Macron was president of the European Union, the EU could have set a floor price (…) They didn’t do it, they let it go, so we have this price explosion”.

And to continue:The central strikers do not take anyone captive and they are not the ones blocking the country. They block the business. It was up to the government to know that blocking the company was going to block the country and therefore to intervene in time to force Total to pay.”

“Legitimate reason for absence from work”

While many motorists testify to their difficulties in working, one in three service stations still lacking at least one fuel this Friday, the leader of LFI refers the parliamentary majority to its responsibilities: “One of the Insoumis deputies, Hadrien Clouet, tabled an amendment concerning absences from work due to the impossibility of obtaining fuel, so that this becomes a legitimate reason for absence. (…) amendment is tabled. It can therefore be voted on at any time in Parliament and we will see, at that time, what the hypocrites who are constantly trying to pit the people against the employees are worth.”

“I think that’s the subject that I think is interesting” he pointed out, “it is that there is a kind of convergence that can take place between, on the one hand, the action of the employees which, obviously, takes place in the company at the call of the unions, which it is responsibility. And then, what we call the people, that is to say not only employees, but also retirees, students, high school students, the precarious, the unemployed, 6 million people, unemployed and who, they, too, want and need to be part of the action. That’s why there’s this march on Sunday.”

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