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06:28 : The CGT, meanwhile, had left the negotiations, around 2 am. “The proposals on the table are largely insufficient”, declared in particular Alexis Antonioli, CGT general secretary of the group in Normandy. A possible agreement – between the management, the CFDT and the CFE-CGC – “will not change the state of mind and the determination of the strikers”he added.
06:24 : “We submitted an agreement for signature before noon”confirmed the TotalEnergies group. “The CFDT negotiation team gives a favorable opinion on the measures that are on the table”, said Geoffrey Caillon, CFDT coordinator. The opinion is also “rather favorable” at the CFE-CGC, according to its coordinator Dominique Convert.
06:22 : The representatives of the CFDT and CFE-CGC unions finally left the TotalEnergies headquarters around 3:30 a.m. They are in favor of a new management proposal, which includes, according to them, a 7% salary increase and a 3,000 to 6,000 euro bonus. Each union will now consult its members to decide whether or not to sign the offer, before noon.
06:18 : The fuel shortage, of course, is on the front page of most regional dailies. She “gives cold sweats to professionals, for whom the car is an essential work tool”writing Alsace.
06:15 : “Petrol makes oil stain”title this morning Release. While the strike continues in several refineries, other sectors have in turn announced social movements (transport, energy, industry, etc.). Several unions have called for a day of interprofessional mobilization next Tuesday.
06:01 : It’s 6 o’clock. Here are the main news headlines:
The CFDT and CFE-CGC representatives left the TotalEnergies headquarters around 3:30 a.m. and announced that they were in favor of the management’s latest proposal: according to them, a 7% salary increase and 3,000 to 6,000 euros depressed. The CGT negotiators had slammed the door around 2 a.m.
After the CGT, several other unions, including FO, Solidaires and FSU, are calling for a one-day interprofessional strike on Tuesday, October 18 after the government’s decision to requisition oil industry employees.
After a lively debate, the National Assembly rejected controversial LR amendments which targeted the “agribashing” actions of militant associations such as L214 and its shocking videos on practices in slaughterhouses.
The House Committee, which is investigating Donald Trump’s role in the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, voted unanimously to subpoena the former president to appear before its members.