Total offers 6.5% overall increase, 0.5% more than its previous offer

At this time, the unions have not accepted this proposal. Earlier in the day, the oil and gas giant also offered to pay all of its employees worldwide”an exceptional bonus corresponding to one month’s salary”.

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The management of Total made a new proposal to the unions on Thursday, October 13 in the evening, reports the franceinfo journalist present on the spot. After more than 3 hours of negotiations, it improves its previous proposal by 0.5% to reach an overall increase of 6.5% this time. A figure that includes seniority and the individual increase envelopes that are available to managers.

>>> Fuel shortage: what is the situation in the eight refineries in France?

At this time, the management of Total announced that this would be its last proposal. According to the journalist on site, several trade unionists present at the meeting announced – during the second adjournment – ​​that they were threatening a black day in the refineries this Friday and talk about the situation “insurrectionary“potential.

Thursday evening, 29.1% of service stations are in total or partial shortage of fuel against 30.8% the day before, according to the Ministry of Energy Transition.

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