“Further investigation”. Qatar 2022: a French scandal?

Who would’ve believed that ? In a handful of weeks, a country as big as Corsica will launch its World Cup in the middle of winter, under 30°C, in air-conditioned stadiums! In football fan memory, we had never seen that. Added to the ecological aberration are accusations of corruption and serious violations of human rights. But despite calls for a boycott, more than a million supporters are expected in Doha, three billion in front of their televisions. But how the hell did Qatar pull it off?

“Complément d’Enquête” tells you how Doha brought home the Cup thanks to its best friend… France. Back to December 2, 2010: to everyone’s surprise, FIFA announced its choice, at the expense of the United States, the big favourite. It was nine days earlier, in Paris, that the vote would have changed. On the occasion of a simple lunch at the Elysée. Around the table, President Sarkozy, the Crown Prince of Qatar and Michel Platini. What happened that day? Why did the powerful UEFA boss, who supported the American candidacy, change his mind?

Sale of PSG, contracts … would there have been consideration?

“Further investigation” on this meal that does not pass. Sale of PSG, golden contracts, corruption: would there have been a counterpart? In collaboration with the Investigation Cell of Radio France, “Complément d’Enquête” relies on exclusive documents and unique testimonies to decipher these dangerous liaisons. What close ties still unite the two countries today? What is the exact role of French companies in this Qatari World Cup?

From construction sites to the Hotel des Bleus, “Complément d’Enquête” has managed to infiltrate alongside the little hands who work in the shadows. Revelations.

A survey conducted by Pierre-Stéphane Fort and Nicolas Bellot for TV Presse/StudioFact.

The editorial staff of “Complément d’Enquête” invites you to comment on the program on Facebook Or on Twitter with the hashtag #ComplementDenquete.

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