Charles III: A very surprising intimate photo spotted by surprise in his office!

The death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8, 2022 was a blow to everyone. Perhaps a little more for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who had the opportunity, throughout the period of national mourning, to realize that they would, forever, be set aside from the rest of the world. clan. Excluded from certain official meals, positioned in a corner of the room during several events, deprived of certain outfits, sometimes booed by the British people… fortunately, the Duke of Sussex has an ally within Buckingham Palace, and not any since it is his father, King Charles III himself.

Would tensions be appeased between Prince Harry and the rest of the royal family of England, despite the imminent arrival of an autobiography that promises to be explosive? That’s all recent footage from the palace suggests as Prime Minister Liz Truss visited King Charles III for their first weekly audience. In the videos published on social networks, which relate this scene, it is possible to see that the monarch has placed several photographs in his office, including one of his youngest son Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle.

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