The Minister of Agriculture opens the door to requisitions of fuel for farmers

Mayenne farmers were able to question the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty on Thursday about their concerns. Marc Fesneau went to Laval for the Assises de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation before visiting a polyculture and dairy farm in Saulges.

Hail, rising energy prices, bird flu, Added to all these subjects is a possible shortage of fuel when the tractors must be running at full speed soon. For the moment, no Mayenne farm is in great difficulty but the fall cereals must be planted in the next few days.

“One day of sowing, it’s about 400 liters of fuel oil per day that we need, explains Vincent Julien, farmer in Saulges. We will need about 4,000 liters of fuel oil. Today, we have stock, we have recommended some, but we will only be delivered by 1,500 litres. And again, we’ll see. You will have to be constantly on the lookout for them.”

There is more other fuel issues for farmers regrets Florent Renaudier, the president of the FDSEA of Mayenne.

It is also soaring prices. The rarity also makes a higher bid on the product. So already that we were on very high levels, there, we see that it is growing for those who still manage to be delivered this week. And then, there has been a resurgence of thefts of fuel oil from farms for a few weeks now in Mayenne.

Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau has “good hope” in the rapid resolution of the conflict at Total and Esso-Exxon Mobil. If the situation lasts, requisitions could be ordered by the prefects to allow farmers to work. “[Ils] are in charge of looking in each department at what priorities we can carry out so as not to let the situation deteriorate.”

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