A Palestinian killed by the Israeli army

(Jérusalem) Un jeune Palestinien a été tué mercredi par l’armée israélienne en Cisjordanie occupée, où de nombreux palestiniens protestaient contre des opérations de l’armée israélienne, a annoncé le ministère palestinien de la Santé.

Publié hier à 15h32

Selon le ministère, « Oussama Mahmoud Adawi, âgé de 18 ans, a été tué par des balles tirées par les forces de l’occupation (israélienne) » dans le camp de réfugiés d’Al-Aroub, près de Hébron, grande ville du sud de la Cisjordanie, un territoire palestinien occupé par Israël depuis 1967.

Des affrontements ont eu lieu à l’entrée du camp d’Al-Aroub entre des soldats israéliens et de jeunes palestiniens qui protestaient contre les opérations militaires israéliennes en Cisjordanie, d’après l’agence de presse palestinienne officielle Wafa.

L’armée israélienne a indiqué que les soldats avaient pourchassé des Palestiniens qui lançaient des pierres en direction de véhicules sur une route près du camp.

Les soldats « ont repéré les suspects à côté du camp […] and retaliated with live ammunition in their direction. One person was hit,” she said in a statement without further details.

Palestinians on Wednesday launched strikes and demonstrations in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank to protest Israeli measures imposed following the killing of two soldiers in attacks in recent days.

On Saturday, Israeli soldier Noa Lazar was killed at a checkpoint in Chouafat, a Palestinian refugee camp in East Jerusalem, the eastern part of Jerusalem occupied in 1967 by Israel and then annexed.

The army and the police have launched a manhunt to find the perpetrator of the attack, and surround the Chouafat camp in particular.

Clashes broke out in the camp on Wednesday between heavily armed Israeli forces and Palestinians who threw stones at them.

According to Kazem Abou Khalaf, a spokesman for the UN agency for aid to Palestinian refugees (Unrwa), the tightened control at the entrances to the camp and the violence have led to the closure of schools and health centers in the agency in Chouafat.

“The situation there is really tense,” he told AFP.

On Tuesday evening, an Israeli soldier was killed in a new attack near Nablus in the northern West Bank.

The Israeli army then said it had blocked roads leading to this city, also on strike.

In the wake of deadly anti-Israeli attacks in March and April, the Israeli army stepped up operations and arrests in the West Bank.

These raids, often interspersed with clashes with the Palestinian population, left more than a hundred dead on the Palestinian side, the heaviest toll in the West Bank for nearly seven years, according to the UN.

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