The autopsy revealed concerning the teenager found dead at the high school of the international center of Valbonne

The Center International de Valbonne high school has been in mourning since September 29. A 15-year-old student was found dead, discovered by maintenance workers.

What the autopsy reveals

On October 3, 2022, the autopsy was carried out according to the Grasse public prosecutor. The conclusions of the forensic doctor report a polytrauma at the origin of the death withoutno suspicious lesions were observed. Toxicological samples in particular, the results of which will be available later, were also taken.

no suspect

It appears from the investigation carried out by the Cannes research brigade that polytrauma is compatible with the data collected, i.e. a fall from a high point. At this stage of the investigation, no element evokes the intervention of a third party in the death of the young man.

My France: Energy savings

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