these questions which arise with the summons of Edouard Philippe before the Court of Justice of the Republic

Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe risks being indicted for “endangering the lives of others” and “voluntary abstention from fighting a disaster”. The magistrates of the Court of Justice of the Republic accuse him of having reacted too late when the virus appeared in early 2020, of having mismanaged the stocks of masks or of having maintained the first round of municipal elections on 15 March 2020, which could have accelerated the spread of the virus, which no one will probably ever be able to prove. Edward Philip”vigorously contests these accusations“and it’s true that they can surprise…

>> Covid-19: Edouard Philippe summoned at the end of October before the Court of Justice of the Republic

So, does it make sense for a former prime minister to be held accountable? Of course, first in front of the voters. But in court, it can only be exceptional. It should be remembered that the CJR, made up of magistrates and parliamentarians, is the only body empowered to judge ministers for acts committed within the framework of their functions. However, at the beginning of 2020, the Covid was a leap into the unknown. Difficult to overwhelm the politicians when the scientists themselves knew nothing about this new virus and were tearing themselves apart.

These victims’ associations, at the origin of these complaints, are legitimately looking for the culprits. But it is dangerous for justice to point to vindictiveness so quickly, without taking into account the complexity of managing such an uncertain period. The former Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, is already indicted, her successor Olivier Véran should follow.

Our country is unique in the world. In Brazil, for example, Jair Bolsonaro could well be re-elected despite a death toll of 700,000. And then, with us, elected officials like Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Florian Philippot or others were able to vituperate for months against the mask or the vaccine without justice accusing them of “endangering the lives of others” . As if the mere fact of not being a minister authorized a politician to make irresponsible and even downright dangerous remarks.

The tainted blood trial 30 years ago caused real trauma among elected officials. These Covid-related procedures risk aggravating the temptation for politicians to open the umbrella, and to discard, when making a decision.

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