Fuel shortage: refrigerated transport companies are in difficulty


Article written by

C.Tixier, M.Perrier, M.Justet, E.Sizarols S.Stewenson, S.Hamon, J.Blondel, R.Laurentin – France 2

France Televisions

A third of French service stations are still in difficulty of supply, Wednesday, October 12. Refrigerated transport companies are worried about not being able to deliver to supermarkets and warn of future stock shortages.

Could we soon run out of fresh produce? Due to a lack of fuel, transporters will have to reduce their deliveries. In Hauts-de-France, a company transports frozen foods to individuals. The six trucks must go to the pump at least once a week. “These are refrigerated trucks that go down to -30°C in temperature. It requires a lot of energy and especially fuel since today, it consumes between 12 and 15 liters per hundred”explains Jean-Philippe Lebaillifdirector of the company.

Another company sends meat to supermarkets and to the Rungis (Val de Marne). The instructions are clear: refuel as soon as possible. At the end of the line, a customer is worried. “The D system will be to go see our colleagues if their tanks are full, if they can sell us fuel, something which is prohibited by law”says Éric Mouillé, director of a refrigerated transport company. Some large retailers now reserve their fuel for these carriers. There might be a shortage of fresh produce in a few days.

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